We have been very quiet on the official channels for a while. As you will have noticed, we didn’t reach our initial goal. We believe this was m…ainly due to a lack of exposure in mainstream. This meant that we had failed to raise the required amount to work full time on the game and wouldn’t be able to follow our original plan. However, we have found an alternative solution, so not to worry; the game is still on its way!
So, what happens next?
– The perks: most of perks are ready to be sent; we are just waiting to receive the last pieces, and will send everything together.
– We have a partner that will give us a bit more funds, The partner’s name will be announced later.
– We are currently focusing on the Desktop version of the game. We are still periodically testing the mobile version of the game, but we will release the mobile version AFTER the desktop version, probably one or two months later. That way, we can release the PC version earlier and then focus on the remaining optimizations for the mobile version.
– Most importantly: We intend to start Early Access in February! We hope you will be able to join us in making Dungeon Kingdom a great game!
So, from all of the Dungeon Kingdom Team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2015! We hope you will soon be able to spend a great amount of time in the corridors of Dungeon Kingdom: Sign of the Moon… and my little finger is whispering to me that Sign of the Moon is not the only story you’ll face in 2015…
Finally, the last word is not a word, but a picture… it’s only rough, just to let you imagine what awaits you in the near future: